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Gloucester County Institute of Technology


Powerschool FAQ

What is PowerSchool?
PowerSchool is GCIT’s Student Data Management System. It encompasses all aspects of student data – grades, attendance, demographics, scheduling and beyond. Because PowerSchool is web based, this allows the sharing of data with parent and guardians for secure and easy access.

Where do I begin?
Find the “Parents” heading on the GCIT home page menu and click on PowerSchool Parent Portal. The PowerSchool Log On screen will display.

What is my username and password?
Your username and password will be given to you prior to entering GCIT. Your username and password will be a combination of alphanumeric characters.

Are usernames and passwords case sensitive?
Yes. Usernames are not case-sensitive, however, passwords are case-sensitive.

How do I obtain a new password if the original was misplaced or lost?
The parent/guardian must come in person to the GCIT main office to officially receive a new password. For security purposes, passwords can not be obtained by phone.

Do I need a separate login for each of my children?
Yes. You will be provided with a separate log on for each of your children.

Mobile App
The PowerSchool Mobile App gives parents and students instant access to information they need to stay up-to-date on student grades, performance, and attendance. Receive real-time push notifications with updates about grades, scores, attendance, assignments, teacher comments, etc. You will need our district code "RDPG" to access GCIT's PowerSchool through the mobile app.

Designed for iPhones/iOS, tablets, and Google/Android devices. Download the app from the Apple App Store or Google Play for Android devices.

The Parent Portal Mail Screen
Now that I have successfully logged on, what can I view?
Currently, from the main Parent Portal screen, a parent/guardian can select one of the first 3 icons in the upper portion of the display to view; Grades and Attendance, Grades History and Attendance History.


Icon Definition

  • Grades and Attendance – Use this display as a detailed over view to locate any historical and current grades and attendance by class
  • Grades History – Displays all recorded final grades and the individual assignments from the instructor to substantiate that grade
  • Attendance History - This is a detailed display for the semester by period showing any absent (1), lateness (L), and not in session (-) status
  • E-Mail Notification – Click on this icon to establish your e-mail connection with GCIT for the purpose of receiving updated reports that you elect
  • Teacher Comments – At a later date, teacher comments may be entered for parent / guardian viewing. 

Why does some of the text appear in blue?
Any text appearing in blue is a link to further information. Simply click on any text appearing in blue and additional information will be shown.

What does it mean when my cursor turns into a hand as it moves over the screen?
This is an aid to help a user navigate and point. Anytime the cursor is displayed as a hand, additional text can be selected by clicking once on the data. The green PowerSchool logo is also a link that will enable the user to return to the main Parent Portal page.

What does the question mark (?) symbol mean in the upper right corner of the screen?
This is the help text for the Parent Portal. At any time you need further assistance when viewing a screen, click the (?) symbol. Please use this frequently to search and find answers to your questions.

How do I log out of the Parent Portal?
The best and recommended way to end the PowerSchool session is to click on the Logout rectangular button in the upper right corner of any screen.

General Usage Questions – Grades & Attendance
Will progress reports and report cards still be mailed to the parent/guardian now that the child’s grades can be viewed on line?
All progress reports will no longer be mailed to any parent/guardian who has officially received a PowerSchool log-on with the intent to utilize the system. Only students in danger of failing will receive progress reports through the mail.

Who should I contact when I have questions about my child’s grades?
Please contact your child’s teacher. You can easily send an e-mail by clicking on one of the teacher’s name links found in the Grades and Attendance or Teacher’s Comments tab from the Parent Portal main page.

Who should I contact if I have questions about my child’s attendance?
Please contact the attendance office to at 856-468-1445 x2102.

How quickly are student’s grades entered into the Parent Portal?
Each teacher is responsible for his or her own grades. When assignments are given and graded, then this information is available to the parent instantaneously.

Can I automatically receive e-mails concerning my child’s performance?
Yes. From the Email Notification tab on the main Parent Portal screen, you can select information you would like to receive and how often about the student.

General System Questions
What will a parent/guardian be able to view from this site?
At present, you will see all of your child’s classes showing current and historical grade and attendance information. You will be able to view a detailed list of their class assignments and be in direct contact with your child’s teacher through their e-mail link.

How can I access the Parent Portal if I do not have a computer at home?
Any computer having Internet access that supports and has Java script enabled will allow a parent/guardian to sign into the GCIT website and access the Parent Portal with their secure user name and password.

What should I do if I have difficulties connecting to the PowerSchool Parent portal?
Please contact the system administrator by e-mail to PowerSchool web mail will be continuously monitored and the response time should be within one working day.

If You Have Questions
About a grade – Contact the teacher via the PowerSchool email link or call the school's main office. GCIT Main Office: 856-468-1445
About attendance – Contact the attendance office: 856-468-1445 ext. 2102
About a password – Please call: 856-468-1445 ext. 2519