Media Center
Welcome to the GCIT Media Center! The Media Center is dedicated to fulfilling the informational and research needs of GCIT students and staff in a pleasant and productive environment.
The GCIT Media Center is a member of the LOGIN consortia, expanding the research capabilities of our users by providing access to collections of materials beyond those housed in the GCIT Media Center Library. For additional information about the LOGIN consortia select the LOGIN Libraries link on the navigational menu.
All books held by the GCIT Media Center are shelved using the Library of Congress classification number, which is the subject classification system developed for the Library of Congress and now used by most academic libraries. To access the online catalogs click the link below.
Students, faculty and staff are eligible to borrow materials from the Media Center at no cost. As a member of the LOGIN (Gloucester County Library System) consortia, users should obtain a free borrowers card from the library in their municipality. Any student living in a municipality not served by LOGIN may apply for a borrowers card in the Media Center.
Most books circulate for two weeks. Reference materials, current issues of print magazines do not circulate. Patrons may sign out 5 materials at one time. Books can be renewed for 4 weeks. There are no overdue fines, however, GCIT Administration will determine action to be taken for students who have overdue material. Patrons must pay for lost or damaged material. The price of a lost item will be the cost of replacing the item with the same or a work determined to be comparable. All materials borrowed from a LOGIN member lending library are subject to the policies of the lending library.
Students are to follow the Technology Rules of Conduct as presented in the GCIT Student Use Policy.
Elizabeth O'Leary
Faculty Information
Contact Information
Click on the image link above to access the database. GCIT students and staff may obtain the login user ID and password information from the GCIT Media Center staff. Discovery Education provides cross-curricular content indluding text, video, audio, images, trending topics, and more. Teachers may obtain login credentials from Media Center Staff and students may obtain login credentials from thier teacher for access to assigned lessons. EBSCO EDS is a search tool that connects patrons to e-resources, including databases, e-books and magazines through a single search box. EBSCOHost is a collection of databases. Gale Global Issues in Context is a diverse database that contains international viewpoints on a broad spectrum of global issues. Infobase is a collection of databases and resources including the History Research Center; Americabn History; Ancient & Medieval History; Bloom's Literature Online; Biographies Online; Curriculum Resource Center; Literary Classics eBook Collection; Middle-High School eBook Collection; Modern World History; Science Online; World Geography & Culture; and World News Digest. Literary Reference Center is powered by EBSCO and is a full-text literary database covering all genres and time periods. It includes synopses, critical essays, book reviews, literary journals and author biographies, plus full-text classic novels, short stories, and poems. Mango Languages focuses on intuitive language construction through a conversation-based methodology that reinforces grammar, vocabulary, and culture. NoveList is powered by EBSCO and provides information, reviews, and recommendations for books. Points of View Reference Center covers hundreds of topics, each with an overview (objective background/description), point (argument), and counterpoint (opposing argument). ProQuest Culturegrams is an electronic database of reports on the countries of the world. These reports provide an insider's perspective on people's daily life and culture. |
eBooks & Audiobooks
The Infobase eBook Collection includes Collections for Ancient History, The Arts; Biographies; Careers & Education; Criminology & Law; Current issues; Economy & Business; Geography & Culture; Guidance & Character Education; Language Reference; Literary Classics; Literature: Criticism; Literature: Reference; Mathematics; Medical & Health; Military & War; Multicultural Studies; Mythology & Paranormal; Philosophy; Politics & Government; Religion & Philosophy; Science & Technology; Sports & Entertainment; U.S. History; Women's Studies; World History; and Young Readers.
Digital Magazines
Flipster provides access to digital magazines to read on your computer or mobile device. The Flipster apps for iOS and Android enable reading Flipster digital magazines on mobile devices. The apps are available in the App Store or on Google Play. Automatic login to Flipster is provided on campus. To obtain off campus login credentials GCIT students and staff may contact the GCIT Media Center staff.
Login Libraries
What is LOGIN? LOGIN is a consortium of public, school, and academic libraries, located in Gloucester, Cumberland, and Salem counties in New Jersey. LOGIN Member Libraries - Gloucester County: Deptford Free Public Library Franklin Twp. Public Library Rowan College of South Jersey - Gloucester Campus Library Gloucester County Institute of Technology Media Center Gloucester County Library - Glassboro Branch Gloucester County Library - Greenwich Twp. Branch Gloucester County Library - Logan Twp. Branch Gloucester County Library - Mullica Hill Branch Gloucester County Library - Swedesboro Public Library Branch Margaret E. Heggan Free Public Library (Washington Twp.) McCowan Memorial Library (Pitman) Monroe Twp. Library Newfield Public Library Wenonah Public Library West Deptford Public Library Westville Public Library Woodbury Public Library LOGIN Member Libraries - Cumberland County Cumberland County Library Rowan College of South Jersey - Cumberland Campus Library LOGIN Member Libraries - Salem County Pennsville Public Library Salem City Library Michael S. Cettei Memorial Library - Salem Community College |
Additional Resources
Citation Resources:
Perdue Online Writing Lab
Ethical Issues & Intellectual Property Rights:
United States Copyright Office
United States Patent and Trademark Office
U.S. Department of Justice CCIPS
Museums, Libraries and 21st Century Skills:
Institute of Museum & Library Services
Office of Science & Technology Policy