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Gloucester County Institute of Technology


Attendance Office

If your child is going to be absent, contact the Attendance Office before 8:30am.

Attendance notes should be brought to one of the following places:

  • 400 wing front desk
  • Guidance Office
  • Email to Attendance office
  • Fax: 856-468-3571

The Board of Education requires the pupils enrolled in the schools of this district attend school regularly in accordance with the laws of the State. The educational program offered by this district is predicated on the presence of the pupil and requires continuity of instruction and classroom participation. The regular contact of pupils with one another in the classroom and their participation in a well-planned instructional activity under the tutelage of a competent teacher are vital to this purpose.

Regular attendance is absolutely essential for student success. Therefore, the District maintains programs which support consistent attendance.

When a student is absent from school, his/her parent/guardian shall notify the school by calling 468-1445 ext. 2102, before 8:30 a.m. Alert Solutions will contact parents/guardians to report an absence.

Upon a students' return from an absence, students must submit a parent/guardian and/or a physician’s note explaining the reason for the absence. The note(s) should be presented to the Attendance Office within 5 school days from the time the student returns to school.

A pupil returning from an absence of any length must present to the Attendance office a written statement, dated and signed by the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) or adult pupil, and/or from a physician, of the reasons for the absence.

Attendance at school may be excused for certain absences as defined by the Board. All absences for reasons other than excused, shall be unexcused.

“Attendance” is a pupil’s presence in school and in the classroom to which he/she is assigned at the times scheduled for instruction or other school activities.

  • A pupil will be considered to have attended school if he/she has been present at least four instructional hours during the school day. This does not include lunch.
  • A pupil not present in school because of his/her participation in an approved school activity, such as a field trip, meeting, cooperative education assignment, or athletic competition will be considered to be in attendance.
  • “Attendance requirement” for Gloucester County Vocational School District pupils will be in accordance with their IEP, if applicable. 

“Excused absence” is a pupil’s absence from school for a full day or a portion of a day for one or more of the following reasons.

  • Death in the family
  • Court – documentation required
  • Religious holiday
  • College visitation – verification from the college must be provided. Pupils in eleventh or twelfth grade only may have up to two days for the purpose of visiting colleges, other post-secondary training, or military institutions
  • Field trips or school sponsored activities
  • Other medical or emergency circumstances as determined by the Principal
  • Take Your Child to Work Day, (N.J.A.C. 6A:16-7.8)
  • Job interviews related to career theme pathway (Seniors only)
  • Confirmed medical/legal appointments
  • Resident district closed/no transportation
  • Absences verified in writing by doctor/dentist

Homebound instruction days are not considered absences.

“Unexcused absence” is a pupil’s absence for all or part of a school day for any reason other than those listed under #2. Vacations are not excused absences.

A pupil returning from an absence of any length must present to the Attendance Office a written statement, dated and signed by the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) or adult pupil, and/or from a physician, of the reasons for the absence.

A note explaining a pupil’s absence for non-communicable illness for a period of three or more consecutive school days must be accompanied by a physician’s statement of the pupil’s illness.

A pupil who has been absent by reason of having or being suspected of having a communicable disease must present to the attendance office written evidence of being free of communicable disease, in accordance with Policy No. 8451.

A pupil who anticipates an excused absence due to a temporary or chronic health condition may be eligible for home instruction in accordance with Policy No. 2412. The parent(s) or legal guardian(s) or adult pupil must request home instruction through guidance office extension 2103.

Pupils absent for any reason are expected to make up the work missed. The pupil is responsible for requesting missed assignments and any assistance required. Teachers will provide make-up assignments as necessary. If you have any questions, kindly contact the teacher.

In general, pupils will be allowed one day to make up missed work for each day of absence. Teachers shall make reasonable accommodations to extend time for pupils.

A pupil who missed a test because of an excused absence shall be offered an opportunity to take the test or an alternate test.

When a student has accumulated three unexcused absences, a letter will be sent to the parent/guardian. The parent/guardian will be informed of the need for improved attendance and will be notified that there will be a parent conference for students who reach a total of six unexcused absences.

When a pupil has accumulated six unexcused absences, a letter will be sent to the parent(s) or legal guardian(s). The Assistant Principal will hold a conference with the pupil, parent(s) or legal guardian(s), and school personnel who can make informed decisions about the pupil. School personnel may include guidance counselors, Child Study Team members, teachers, and other administrators. The parent(s) or legal guardian(s) will be informed of the serious nature of the attendance problem and the possible non-credit status for the course.

When a pupil has accumulated ten unexcused absences within a course, the pupil will be placed on a non-credit status. A letter will be sent to the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) and the Director of Guidance will hold a conference with the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) and the pupil. Any student on non-credit status will be required to make up lost credits.

Pupils will be required to make up a day for each unexcused absence over eight days through credit completion from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Any student who is on non-credit status will be given the opportunity to make up all required days and assignments throughout the semester. Failure to make up all the required days and assignments will result in loss of credit and possibly render the pupil ineligible to graduate. Please refer to “Procedures for Course Failures” on page 31.

Anyone who is in non-credit status will be ineligible to participate in the following activities for the remaining semester:

  • Co-curricular activities;
  • Athletics;
  • Overnight field trips including junior or senior trip and competitions;
  • All day-time field trips;
  • School dances/proms;
  • Driving privileges; and
  • Any additional school related activity to GCIT (i.e. working on school grounds)


Students who are assigned an incomplete will be given the opportunity to make up their missing assignments.

Students who receive an “Incomplete” will adhere to the following guidelines:

  • For every day absent, students will have one day to make up the missed assignment(s).
  • If the student fails to complete the assignment(s) within the designated time period, zeros (0) will be assigned for any outstanding assignment(s), and the final grade will be calculated.
  • The principal has the discretion to extend the deadlines for extended illnesses or other extenuating circumstances.
  • In the case of an IEP or 504, the plan will be followed.


Students who require early release/late arrival to school must present a written request from their parent/guardian to the Attendance Office. Students are required to sign out in student log located in Attendance Office upon leaving campus for any reason. Students are not permitted to remain on campus once they have officially signed out. Students who leave the school campus before dismissal without proper authorization will be subject to disciplinary action.


Students who are continually late for class or for school will be subject to disciplinary action.

  • Three times tardy will result in a lunch detention
  • Six times tardy will result in a 3-6 p.m. detention
  • Nine times tardy will result in a parent conference with an administrator and a 3-6 p.m. detention. Students who drive may lose their driving privileges.

Each additional tardy will result in another 3-6 p.m. detention and possible conference with Principal.

Students are considered late after the 8:05 a.m. bell.


Students who cut class will be subject to disciplinary action.

Contact Information

Lisa Mackley

Faculty Information

Attendance Secretary

Contact Information

School Phone
856-468-1445 x2102