Health Services
Your student’s health is important to the overall success of their academic career not only at GCIT, but throughout their entire life span. When children receive the support they need to remain healthy and focused on learning, the entire classroom benefits.
Our staff in the health office is here to assist you and your student in supporting their health needs.
Mrs. Christina Boucot, RN, BSN, Certified School Nurse
- Ms. Madison Broadbent, RN, BSN, Certified School Nurse
Please call or email any questions or concerns.
Fax number: 856-468-6706
Christina Boucot
Madison Broadbent
Shana Redkoles
Medication Delivery
Medication Delivery
We accept student medications throughout the year. If bringing medication to the nurse, please call during the school year before your arrival. Only the nurse may accept the medications. Please be sure actual dose of medication(s) along with Primary Care Provider signature and stamp for office are provided.
Please fill out the Medication Administration Request Form if you are bringing medication in for a student.
Please note: All medications should have an expiration date after school year ends. Discuss this with your pharmacy as needed.
All Medications need to be picked up by a parent or guardian by last full student day or medications will be discarded by the nurse per GCIT and state policy.
Diabetes Management Plan
Diabetes Quick Reference Emergency Plan
Epi-Pen Parent Authorization Letter
Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan
Health Office Student Illness Policy
Medication Administration Form
Meningococcal Disease Fact Sheet