State Assessment Information
Evaluating the results from statewide testing can be a helpful tool in measuring success in school, and it is just one of the many ways teachers and administrators can determine whether students are on track for the next grade or ready for college. New Jersey has had statewide tests for decades, and they have served as a small, but important, part of assessing students’ annual progress. The data collected from the state assessments, teacher and district developed assessments, and students’ daily performance in the classroom combine to provide a clear and well-rounded picture of students’ achievement.
See below for more information about the state assessments administered at GCIT.
Click here for the Parental Notification of Standardized Assessments at GCIT for SY24-25
The New Jersey Student Learning Assessments (NJSLA) are statewide assessments that assess students’ progress toward the New Jersey Student Learning Standards in English Language Arts (ELA), mathematics, and science. The New Jersey Graduation Proficiency Assessment (NJGPA) consists of an ELA and a mathematics component to be administered to students in grade 11 for the purpose of meeting the state graduation assessment requirement. Each assessment is typically administered in computer-based (CBT) format, although paper-based testing (PBT) is available as an accommodation.
ELA assessments will focus on close reading, synthesizing ideas within and across texts, determining the meaning of words and phrases in context, and writing effectively when using and/or analyzing sources. Mathematics assessments will focus on applying skills and concepts and understanding multi-step problems that require abstract reasoning and modeling real-world problems, precision, perseverance, and strategic use of tools. Science assessments will focus on applying scientific concepts and practices within the domains of Earth & space, life, and physical science. Students will demonstrate their acquired skills and knowledge by answering selected-response items, constructed response items and technology-enhanced questions.
Parent Resources for the NJSLA/NJGPA:
New Jersey | Reporting (
New Jersey Student Learning Assessment (NJSLA) for ELA and Math
Spring 2019-present
The New Jersey Student Learning Assessments for English Language Arts (NJSLA-ELA) and Mathematics (NJSLA-M) measure the extent to which students are, or on track to being, college or career ready in each of the respective areas.
Student performance on NJSLA assessments is described on the Individual Student Reports (ISR’s) using scale scores, performance levels, and subclaim performance indicators. State, district, and school average results are included in relevant sections of the report to help parents understand how their child’s performance compares to that of other students. In addition to this traditional paper ISR, video versions of the ISR’s are currently available online. The video score report communicates information from the ISR through animations and voiceover. Parents/guardians can also track their student’s scores from year to year. See link below for NJSLA Parent Portal Guide.
New Jersey Student Learning Assessment (NJSLA) for Science
Spring 2018-present
The New Jersey Student Learning Assessment for Science (NJSLA-S) measures student proficiency with the New Jersey Student Learning Standards for Science. The science standards require assessment tasks that examine students’ performance of scientific and engineering practices in the context of crosscutting concepts and disciplinary core ideas. This assessment is given at the end of a student’s 11th grade year.
Please review the following documents and links for more information.
- NJSLA Parent Portal User Guide
- NJSLA Video ISR’s via Parent Portal: NJSLA Parent Portal
- NJSLA Scores: NJSLA ELA/Math Score Interpretation Guide
- NJSLA Test Development/Design: New Meridian
- Additional resources: NJDOE Office of Assessments webpage